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  • Writer's pictureAndreia Santos

Advocating for Play-based Learning in Your Classroom

Wanting to implement play-based learning in your classroom but unsure how the families or your school/center may feel about it?

Here's a few reasons to advocate for Play-based learning!

Learning through play has been scientifically proven to improve learning.

There is actual scientific evidence that shows that when we learn through play, our brain retains information better and for longer. By implementing a play-based curriculum you are actually improving the way your students learn and helping them learn new information long-term.

Play-based learning improves children's relationship with school/learning.

Anybody else from the "school isn't fun, I hate doing worksheets" generation because same! My earliest and latest memories of classroom's are dull and long days of sitting down at my desk doing worksheets or listening to the teacher talk. BORING! When a child is bored at school, this affects the way they think about school. A child who hates school will relate that feeling to their feeling for learning. I hate school so I hate learning. In reality, children can love both. When children learn through play, they evoke within themselves a love for learning. A child who loves learning becomes an adult that cherishes lifelong learning which equals an educated and enlightened society that can make conscious and critical decisions.

Play-based learning helps improve social skills.

By learning in groups and having fun doing so, children are brought together in their learning. This allows them to work collaboratively, use conflict resolution skills, and learn positive social skills that will help them later in life.

It improves imagination and out-of-the-box thinking.

Play-based learning allows children the freedom to choose which areas of learning they would like to explore, by exploring using their interests it heightens their imaginative thinking. Through play, children are able to be in tune with their natural sense of curiosity which allows them the ability to think without teacher-led interference. Listen to the conversations that are taking place as children play, it gives educators so much insight into how their students learn.

Students become more comfortable in their classroom.

Play-based learning allows children to feel like active participants in the classroom, this feeling of inclusion turns the class into a safe space. By being able to enjoy activities that are catered to the children's unique interests, children feel like valuable participants in their learning. The more comfortable children feel in the classroom the better prepared they are to learn.

There are so many more wonderful reasons to use a play-based learning approach in your classroom or home environment, I encourage you to do some research and have some fun with it!

Are you already using play-based learning strategies, what are your favourite activities?

Happy learning, friends! xo

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